Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Let's get this boring jamboree started...

Well, here's just a blog of the live caricature I do out there at Six Flags Over Texas... I'm just copying my pals Dan and Mike. I'm gonna try to do this on a weekly basis or on my days off. So, let's see... I just want to document some of the crazy shit I actually sell to people... The photos in this post a kinda of blurry. It sucks, but I assure you these are the only one that are and will be blurry. ALSO, click the pictures to ENLARGE.

They wanted Adan & Eve, so, I gave them Adam & Eve... Funny, no?

Just a generic caricature of some girls who wanted to be at a concert. Yawn.

Oh my GOD! This girl was SO CUTE. She wanted to be drawn with a lemur stuffed toy she won. ADORABLE.

Just some Star Wars dude. I'll admit I spent way too much time on this... On purpose... So I could go on break when whoever I was working with got back, and let them do a group. I'm not going to say who it was, but I will say they take their breaks MEGA LATE. DAY-UM.

Anyway, that's all I got for now.

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